State Standards

Click here for the History and Social Science Standards of Learning and Curriculum Framework for 2015.  The 2015 SOL added skills to be emphasized K-12.  These include using economic reasoning to make informed decisions (Skill 1.h).  Information on how to apply this skill can be found here.

Economics and Personal Finance course

Beginning with students who entered 9th grade in 2011-12, students must earn one credit in economics and personal finance before graduating from high school. The Economics and Personal Finance (EPF) SOL are available here. Two curriculum frameworks are available – one designed for History and Social Science and the other for Career and Technical Education.

A scope and sequence approach and other resources for this course can be found here.

national Standards

K-12 National  Standards for Financial Literacy
NAEP Economics Curriculum Framework

Resources – lessons, speakers, and classroom resources designed for Virginia teachers of the high school economics and personal finance course

econedlink-logoEconEd – online lessons, videos, interactives and current event connections published by CEE for high school teachers – online lessons, videos and interactives developed by the Federal Reserve System for teachers

EconEd Reviews  – search for lessons by economic concept, subject, grade level, standard, quality and sponsoring organization

Professional Development for Teachers: WorkshopsProfessional Development & Certification

Curriculum ResourcesEcon & Finance CurriculumState Standards & Resources

Programs for Students and TeachersStock Market GameTMGovernor’s ChallengeEconomic Educator Awards